The art of falling? Oh, you didn’t know there was one.
Well here, when you fall and hit the ground, it’s good to know how to land. Let’s take pro wrestling as an example. The wrestlers are trained to learn how to hit the floor or mat, to lessen the impact on their bodies. So today, I want you to learn how to fall. Now, we’re not talking about literally falling, but figuratively. We have two choices when we fall. Either stay down or get back up. When you fall, it sucks. Sometimes it may even sting. But refuse to stay down there. Don’t let gravity keep you down. Make sure that you get up, rise up. People and things are going to try to keep you down. Some people are so unhappy with their own lives that they are going to try to bring you down with them. Let them be them. I’ll keep it real with you. I’ve failed, quite a few times. I’ll probably fail again. But you know what? I got right back up. Things didn’t always work out the way I wanted them to. They didn’t go how I envisioned. I failed in the process of getting my business off the ground. I’ve failed with ideas I thought were great, only to see them flop. But I got right back up. I persevered. And that perseverance led to success. It led to victory. It lead to getting said business off the ground. I’m not where I want to be and my business is not a finished product yet, but I JUST KEEP GOING. That’s how you overcome a fall. You stand up, brush that dust off your shoulder, and keep on going. My challenge to you is this: that idea, that dream that you went after and you fell, I want you to go back to that place. Pick yourself up, and try again. Many great ideas weren’t birthed the first time around. Some of the great novels weren’t published by the first publisher the author took it to. Some great novels were rejected seven, eight times. So keep going, keep trying. When you fall, get right back up. No one is going to feel sorry for you. They are going to step right over you and keep going. So my friend, are you going to accept the challenge? When you fall, are you going to get back up? Be Greater!
Consistency. This is one of the most important words I want us to get used to when it comes to working out. Consistency ensures that we are taking the best care of our health. Consistency means we are staying on top of our workouts.
We may not be able to get to the gym everyday or workout everyday, and that is perfectly fine. When we do get the chance to workout, it may not be for an hour or for as long as we want. And that’s perfectly fine as well. The important thing is to keep a pattern going. If you can workout only three days a week for 30 minutes, then that’s your consistency. Workout your three days for 30 minutes. Make sure that you keep that going. If your consistency is five days a week for 1 hour, then you keep that trend going. Also be consistent in your nutrition. My favorite food is pizza. I love a good pepperoni and sausage pizza. I don’t eat it every day though, maybe once every other week or so. The rest of what I eat I make sure fuels my workouts and will give me the energy I need for my day. So don’t worry if you indulge in a slice of cake or a cookie. Just be consistent. The majority of your nutrition should consist of healthy eating. Consistency is a term we can apply to all facets of our lives. Be consistent in your hobbies. Be consistent on your job. Be consistent in your activities. That will ensure that you’re staying on track with all your tasks. It’s all about progress over time. You won’t reach your workout goals overnight. You have to be realistic. The key to reaching your workout goal is by tackling it little by little, workout by workout. That’s how you get the job done. Be Greater! Raise your hand if this sounds like your typical day: ‘You wake up and brush your teeth. If you have kids you get them ready for school and see them off to the bus. Or you have to drop them. You only have enough time now to get to work so no time for breakfast, you hit the road. Have to beat the traffic. If you don’t have kids you wake up just in time to brush your teeth (hopefully), get dressed and hit the road. You spend your seven, eight, or nine hours at work then head back home.
After sitting in that traffic, you pick up the kids from daycare. If you don’t have kids you head home. Before you get home you remember you don’t have anything for dinner, so you stop by the closest fast food spot and take it to go. Nice and quick dinner. You’re exhausted after your long day so you unwind. Kick your feet up on the couch and catch up on your favorite show then head to bed. Have to get ready to do it all over again.' Does this sound like your day or pretty close to it? It may look a little different from person to person, but I think this paints a close to accurate picture. So where in all that cluster do you fit your workout in? “But Vandie”, you may be shouting out loud, “You just described everything I have to do, where am I going to fit a workout in!?” I get it and I know. You’re busy. We all are. Your workouts and your health shouldn’t have to suffer as a result of your busy life though. It’s all about what you make a priority. If your health is one of your priorities, you’ll make time to workout out. Ideally you may want to workout for 45 minutes to an hour. That may not always be possible. The key thing is to get something in. Your workouts don’t have to be that long. You can get a good efficient workout done in 30 minutes, or even 20 minutes. It’s all about maximizing your time in your workout. If you get to the gym, focus on compound movements so you’re working multiple muscles with one exercise. Take your dog for a walk (yes that counts as a workout). Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk around on your lunch break. There are plenty of ways you can fit a workout into your day that you might not have realized. If you’re not on a workout program right now, that’s fine. Just start by making small changes such as the ones just mentioned. You’ll see an improvement in your health and an increase in your energy. Oh yeah, and instead of that fast food meal, take a few minutes to put a healthy meal together. It won’t take long. Your body and mind will thank you for it. I guarantee it. Be Greater! The good ole measuring stick. Used for many different objectives. Companies use it to define how they’ll essentially grade an employee. Society’s measuring stick is that of how much you make, what you drive, what you wear, how big your house is…I think you get the point.
Everyone and everything else is going to try to define you and tell you what you should be and exactly how you should do it. Don’t let them! The only person that is walking this planet that can tell you who you are is you. The only person that knows your path is you. Just as we talked about before in regards to taking control, take control of your measuring stick. You set the bar for what success in your life means to you. That may include a nice house. Or for some, that may just be a decent enough car to get from point A to B. It may be having the ability to put food on the table for their family and keep a roof over their head. It may be making sure that their family never struggles and they never have to worry about where or when their next meal is going to come. The measuring stick. It’s going to look different for everybody. The important thing I want you to get out of this is that you have to know what it looks like for you. Don’t fall into the trap of chasing what somebody else is after. Don’t think that you’ll be satisfied when you get what they have. Chances are you’re not. And you will never find contentment, never find happiness, never find joy, until you define what success in your life looks like to you. Only then will you be able to set your measuring stick. When the measure is set, go after it. Do whatever you have to do to get there. Walk, hike, climb, jump, skip. Doesn’t matter what you do, just get there. And when you do, not only grab it, surpass it! Be Greater! |
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March 2022
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