Hey everyone,
Want to tell you this story: A guy walks into a gym. He surveys the scenery. Intense stare in his eyes, he scopes out his surroundings trying to find his target. A few moments later, his jaw drops! Eyes widened! Fixated on his prey, he power-walks his way to the back of the gym to find himself in bliss. Right in front of his eyes are dumbbells. Not just any dumbbells, those 80-100 lb dumbbells. To his right, the squat rack. Fresh with chalk sprinkled beneath the bar. To his left the bench for his presses. All the 45 lb plates un-racked, putting the bench on an island. Not knowing where to start and overjoyed….or overwhelmed, he passes out. You’ve probably heard of that stereotype. The guy with veins popping out of his neck, bulging chest and Hulk like arms, hobbling around on his chicken legs. He’ll work his chest and arms, maybe his back on Monday. Go in and work the same muscles Tuesday. Then Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. And on Saturday? You guessed it, chest and arms (maybe back). The problem that this guy has, is that he has a Program Imbalance. Unless you’re training for a specific competition where your workouts may be skewed towards certain aspects or muscles, your workout program should focus on addressing multiple areas. Even if one is training for a competition, there program still hits multiple areas. Your workout program should contain a combination these components: 1) Aerobic Training 2) Strength Training/Muscular Endurance 3) Core Training 4) Balance Training 5) Flexibility & Stretching You may pause for a second and think to yourself: all 5 of these!? Where do I have the time for all that? The thing is, you do. You have plenty of time. Most exercises contain more than one of these components. Which means, in one day’s workout, you could potentially hit all 5 components. Focusing on the 5 workout components ensures a balanced program with better overall results. Make sure to create a balance in your workouts. Your body will thank you for being more well-rounded. Until next time, Be Greater!
You’ve probably been in a situation like this before: someone asked you what you want to do with your life. You explained to them what you want to do. They proceed to tell you that you can’t do said thing or that it is impossible to do.
I’m sure at one point or another, at some point in our lives, we have been told we can’t do something. We were told this when we were kids in elementary school, in high school, maybe even college. Heck, some of us are still being told we can’t do something even in our adult lives. I just have a problem with the word ‘can’t’. You see, it just bugs me. And so many times people have told me what I can’t do, but rarely would someone tell me what I ‘can’ do. I’ve heard the word ‘can’t’ so many times and I know that I’m not alone. We hear the word ‘can’t’ so much that it becomes, or has become imbedded into our everyday vocabulary. When we try to attempt something new, or maybe try to create a dream or vision we may have, that word ‘can’t’ begins to cycle into our mind and we begin to create self-doubt and negative images. We start to think back to every conversation and every person that told us we just ‘can’t’. I want to place a ban on the word ‘can’t’ today. The next time somebody asks you what you want to do, and they say that you ‘can’t, let them know that you can, bid them good day, walk away from the conversation and move right along. Don’t allow their ‘can’t’ stop you from your can’s. It’s time we think of ourselves as the ‘Little Engine That Could’. Every time the word ‘can’t’ even tries to enter into our mind, we need to say to ourselves in our head: ‘I think I can, I think I can.’ And we even need to do it one step better and tell ourselves: ‘I know I can, I know I can!”. So today, I am simply telling you: that you can…I know you can! Be Greater! |
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March 2022
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All content is a product of Vanbar Fitness, LLC.
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