Hey everyone! I have the pleasure of providing another guest post from Cheryl Conklin of Wellness Central. She's going to tell us how we can ensure we can get our develop our yoga practice, right from the comforts of our home. Enjoy!!! Yogis and Yoginis need a dedicated space to practice their various yoga disciplines. Any yoga expert understands the need to transform a space into a haven of wellness, relaxation, and peace for best practice. To deepen your practice, you need to keep motivated and find ways to reconnect with the self. Check Your Stress The first part of any yoga practice is stress relief. To achieve the state of relaxation and peace that comes with the exercise, you’ll first need to clear your head of any business related anxieties you may be feeling. Here are some great tips on how to manage stress, like using heavy breathing and stopping the stress train in its tracks. You’ll have a far more beneficial and satisfying yoga experience if you do. Combining stress relief yoga poses with the other techniques can multiply the benefits of each, resulting in positive health results like lowering your blood pressure, boosting your immune system, reduced muscle tension, and improving gut and intestinal health. Invest in New Equipment Investing in new good quality equipment can be motivating. It's a way of saying goodbye to the old and hello to the new. Yoga mats usually have a lifespan of six to eight months, so it's important to replace them regularly. If you're slipping and your mat is thinning, it's time to buy a new one. Two other items that every yoga room should have are blocks and straps. Blocks add that extra elevation to make hard poses more accessible, which can help enhance your stretch. Another item to invest in is yoga straps, the perfect solution for reaching your toes, stretching out tired muscles, and holding poses. Source Online Classes If you practice one style of yoga, such as Kripalu, sign up for other disciplines and expand your repertoire. There are numerous types of hatha yoga styles, each of which is worth exploring. Adding something new to your yoga schedule will not only inspire you, but also allow you to deepen your yoga practice. Whether it's Vinyasa, Iyengar, or Ashtanga, there are plenty of online yoga classes available. Free yoga classes are often available on YouTube; otherwise, there are apps, websites, and private Facebook groups that focus on specific yoga styles. Follow a Routine To maximize the benefits of yoga, it needs to be practiced regularly. Set a daily or weekly routine for your yoga classes, and stick to it. To get the most out of yoga, make sure you’re eating properly, and exercising regularly. Daily meditation can also help enhance the yoga experience. Following a routine also means checking in with your overall health. Consider holistic nutrition, which is eating foods as close to natural as possible. Those include foods that are unrefined, organic, and locally grown. Combining Yoga With Massage Many people like having a massage either before a yoga session to warm and stretch muscles, or after for a truly relaxing experience. Either before or after, there are many benefits to adding massage to your yoga schedule. Sticking With Yoga at Home It can be hard to follow the same routine day in and day out, so careful planning is required to keep up motivational levels and ensure your space is kept refreshed. When you deepen your yoga practice through routine, it can help you find balance in other areas of your life. Follow Vanbar Fitness to learn more about spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental wellbeing for your mind, body and spirit.
Hey everyone! For my latest post, we have a guest post from Dr Kira Capozzolo, DC of Twin Waves Wellness Center. She has been kind enough to write a post for us on the 3 reasons to visit a chiropractor! Enjoy!! Whether you’re a professional athlete or a computer engineer, your body endures a certain amount of stress by simply existing on this planet. We are constantly walking on different surfaces, moving and lifting objects, and sitting for long periods of time. Fortunately, there are healthcare specialists out there that can help us balance out the different stresses that affect our bodies. Chiropractors are specialists of not only the spine but the entire body. Did you know that chiropractors can perform light adjustments on your hips, elbows, feet, and wrists? Chiropractic care was designed to relieve stress and pain from different parts of the body. Many people don’t consider visiting a chiropractor until they’re physically in pain. Chiropractors treat injuries and help prevent future ones. You can maintain your health and live life feeling great by experiencing consistent chiropractic care. Here are the top 3 reasons to visit a chiropractor and unlock your body’s greatest potential. 1. Enhance Your Mood Pain can seriously impact your mood. If your pain is severe enough, it could send you into a state where it’s the only thing you can think of. Chiropractors specialize in treating the root cause of pain. They don’t simply slap a band-aid on the issue or prescribe medication. They look at the entire body as a whole. Oftentimes, if you’re experiencing pain in a particular area of the body, it can be caused by an issue in another part of your body. Chiropractors seek to provide the most immediate pain relief possible, while also solving the main issue at hand. Chiropractic care also helps to calm down the nervous system, which influences many different aspects and functions of our bodies. Stress has a direct impact on our nervous system. When we are stressed, emotionally or physically, our nervous system works in overdrive to combat it. A chiropractic adjustment helps increase blood flow throughout areas of stress, which allows injuries to heal faster and more efficiently. 2. Improve Your Posture Do you find yourself constantly bending down to pick things up around your house? Or maybe your job requires you to constantly look downward toward your laptop or smart device. In this digital age, many people suffer from poor posture from long hours at their desks and little exercise. Over time, you can develop a curve in your spine from staring down at a computer or phone screen. If not corrected, a curved spine can cause different forms of neck and upper back pain. Chiropractic care can help treat posture issues, helping you feel taller and stronger throughout your day. Typically, a chiropractor takes posture measurements and scans before starting you on a specialized care plan. This way, they know what adjustments make sense, where to do them, and how many times to perform them. Chiropractors also help people regain proper posture outside of the office. They provide posture tips and advice, making it easier to practice good posture throughout your day. This may mean taking a break from texting here and there! 3. Get Better Sleep Stress and pain are sleep’s worst enemy. Multiple nights of poor-quality sleep can turn into a vicious cycle of stress on the mind and body. Sleep is the primary time that our body uses to recover from the day. Without good sleep, our bodies can break down over time. Chiropractic care enables the body to sleep well at night by correcting misalignments in the back and other areas. A common reason that people can’t sleep well is an imbalance in the hips and lower back. Chiropractic adjustments help balance out areas of your body, like your hips, that constantly endure the impacts of walking, jogging, and running. Sleep Better, Feel Better, Live Better Life is not meant to be lived feeling ‘off’ or in pain. It’s vital to invest in your health. We all only have one body. By visiting a chiropractor, you help unlock your body’s greatest potential. When you feel good, other things in life begin to click. Chiropractic care helps people improve their posture, feel happier, and recover more efficiently. Live life optimally by investing in wellness practices like chiropractic care. Hey there!
As a Christian parent, you're busy with work, trying to juggle tasks at home, and most importantly, spending the quality time with the family. One of the things that get pushed aside and not much focus is our eating habits. When we're limited on time, we tend to grab whatever we can get our hands on. Typically what we grab are foods that are not so good for us. What we end up grabbing is mostly junk food. Don't worry, I got you covered! Here are 3 quick, healthy snack ideas to have at your disposal: 1: Mixed Nuts Nuts are a great source of protein. They're easy enough that you can throw in a bag and take with you wherever you go. 2. Greek Yogurt Greek Yogurt is another snack that provides a nice punch of protein, and also calcium. For an added benefit, you can add some fruit into yours such as blueberries or strawberries. 3. Fruit Speaking of blueberries and strawberries, it doesn't get any quicker than fruit. Whether it's a banana, apple, or orange, there's no prep needed here. Just grab it and go. Eating healthy doesn't have to be hard. Eating healthy also doesn't have to take too much time. If these 3 items aren't in your fridge or pantry, it's time to make a change and go get them now! ***Follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok @vandiebarnard for more healthy snack ideas. Also follow me on Facebook & Pinterest at Vanbar Fitness*** BE GREATER! When you first wake up, what is the first thing that you do?
If you're like most you pick up your phone and check your email, or...you check social media. According to an article in the Huffington Post, about 80% of people check their smartphone within 15 minutes of waking up. Yikes! Going on our phone to check Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or our emails attribute to us feeling overwhelmed and don't benefit us mentally at all to start our day. If we are going to reach for our phone, let's try this instead: open up the Bible app and get in the right frame of mind mentally and spiritually. Start your day off spending time with the Lord. Better yet, if you have a phsycial bible, grab that instead of going on your phone so you're not tempted to open up one of your social media apps. Spend time meditating and preparing for the day ahead. Do a 3-5 minute morning stretch routine. Write down a to-do list of the most important tasks that need to get done today, so by the time you go to sleep you can check it off and know that you accomplished the tasks you set out for the day. Let's try to adopt some of these alternative methods to get a better start to our day rather than scrolling through our timeline. BE GREATER! We can get tied down with the many tasks that we have to do each day, but we have to make sure we take care of ourselves. We have to manage and improve our fitness and wellness. The brief video below will discuss the 4 things that we should be doing on a regular basis. We are made of up three parts: mind, body, spirit. If we are not constantly feeding each area, then we are more prone to things such as stress, anxiety, worry, and more. This isn't to say that if our mind, body, and spirit are in sync that we won't experience those less than pleasant feelings, but it does mean that we can have a better control over it.
So how do you know if you're imbalanced? There are many indicators, but here are a few: 1) You lack energy or feel sluggish majority of the time 2) You have trouble sleeping 3) Your thoughts are filled with negativity 4) You find yourself worrying a lot 5) You become easily angered at things that shouldn't anger you These are just some of the signs that your mind, body, and spirit aren't connected to each other, and one, or more of those areas aren't getting the attention and care it should. If we are experiencing any of those above, we need to: 1) Acknowledge how we feel 2) Find safe, holistic methods to overcome them Being a believer of the Bible and its principles, we are given the tools to help overcome any of these. Even if you don't believe, I guarantee it's still beneficial to guide you through whatever you may be dealing with. We all have or will have experienced worry or stress. The key is to recognize it early and take the necessary steps to get through it. Prayer, meditation, stretching, eating healthy, working out are all holistic methods that can help us achieve and maintain balance in our mind, body, and spirit. For you, it could be a combination of all those methods, or just a couple. The key is finding out what's best for you. BE GREATER What are you grateful for?
Practicing gratefulness is a practice that goes beyond Thanksgiving and the holiday season. At least, it should. In fact, being grateful and thankful is good for our mental and emotional health. It helps to boost our happiness when we can look around us and see so much that we've been blessed with. So here's a habit I want us to adopt: every morning or night before we go to bed, say 3 things that we are thankful for. Say them out loud, discuss them with your spouse, or write them down. However you do it, get into a daily routine of what you are thankful/grateful for. The list is tremendous. It doesn't just have to be items, mention people that you are grateful for. That could be family, friends, co-workers, mentors, the list goes on! Even as we experience a pandemic and any hardships that have come along with that, let's cherish and appreciate the people and things that we have been blessed with. Let's not lose sight of that. Be thankful. Be grateful. Be greater! Hey everyone,
Last week we talked about making your fitness resolutions last. In order to make them last we have to know why we are doing them. They have to have purpose behind them. We want our resolutions to make it out of January. To keep that theme going, this week's Just Greatness is a special guest post from Cheryl Conklin of Wellness Central on wellness goals that will better you for this new year. You can visit her site at www.wellnesscentral.info. Enjoy! ... Goals For The New Year You Won’t Give Up By Spring Many of us choose to make New Year’s resolutions. The turn of the calendar is a wonderful opportunity to re-evaluate yourself and reset your goals. Sadly, many resolutions are left by the wayside within weeks. This happens when we put unrealistic expectations on ourselves. It’s best to start small and build from there. Here are a few easy-to-sustain healthy habits you can implement in 2021. Create a personalized fitness routine. There is no single fitness plan that matches all of our personalities, body styles, and interests. Vanbar Fitness can help you discover a lifestyle that will improve your body and help you become a better version of yourself each day, so it’s definitely worth considering available fitness programs and services. Let go of negativity. Negative thoughts and energy can turn a happy home into a hostile environment. Look for ways to create a more positive atmosphere at home, and your good mood will follow, no matter where you go. Spend a weekend cleaning the house, rearranging your space, or even painting. Anything you can do to purge bad energy will put you one step closer to enjoying all the hope that a new year can bring. Learn how to budget. For many of us, money worries are what keeps us up at night. Getting a grip on your personal finances can relieve stress. It takes a while to learn to live by a budget but restricting your spending actually opens up a world of possibilities. To start, evaluate your spending habits, as well as your income. Look ahead to your “irregular” expenses, such as holiday gifts or insurance premiums. Make a plan to pay down everything, but pay special attention to putting money aside for the future. Try something new each week. There’s something special about trying something new, whether it’s an ethnic recipe or a new route on your daily run. Regardless of how much of a rut 2020 put you in, use each week of 2021 to dig yourself out. Shop at your local grocery store or market to discover interesting things you may miss out on in mass retail. You can also use Google Maps and other resources to check out areas in your own hometown that you haven’t visited but should have. Make a new friend. Let’s face it — making new friends as an adult is difficult. But it doesn’t have to be. Establishing or expanding your social connection is a great way to also experience new things while opening your mind to different cultures and people with different lifestyles. Oprah Magazine suggests joining a meetup group, taking classes, or leveraging the power of social media to make friends with interests similar to yours. Drink less. Put down the wine and instead, reach for a healthier alternative. While there is nothing wrong with having a drink now and then, if you imbibed a bit too much in 2020, putting aside the alcohol is an excellent way to help you lose weight, sleep better, and enjoy each and every day with a clear head. Grow your own vegetables. While you can certainly procure your food at your local farmer’s market, nothing quite beats picking fresh vegetables straight from your own backyard. If you think you don’t have time, think again. While you must put in some work initially, many gardens will thrive quite well with good soil, lots of light, and sunshine. NPR notes that you can even use containers, which will allow you to garden in a compact space. There you have it — seven exceptional ideas that will help you change your bad habits in 2021. Each is easy to implement and will help you live your best life each and every day. None will change your daily routine drastically, but — combined — will help you achieve the quality of life you deserve. Vanbar Fitness knows that greatness is achieved by using biblical principles in your everyday life. Book your free 30-minute discovery session today so that you can live the life you want in 2021 and beyond. What's your purpose for working out?
As we embark on this new year, it's the time of New Year Resolutions. New goals, new attitudes, new ideas, you name it! However we are aware of how those goals fall by the wayside early in the year. We create these resolutions and a lot of the times, they don't even make it out of January. So how do we change that? One of the most common resolutions we make are fitness goals. We want to lose 'X' amount of pounds, or have 6 pack abs. That's great and all, but in order for that resolution to stick, it has to be much more than that. Your goal has to have a purpose. What happens when you reach that weight loss amount? What happens when you get that 6 pack? Do you all of a sudden stop working out? Do you stop exercising? When it comes to our fitness resolutions, the way to ensure we stick with it past January, is to instead focus on the journey, and not a singular destination. Focus on wanting to workout to better your overall fitness. Focus on wanting to workout to better your overall wellness. There is nothing wrong with having a physical goal that you are trying to reach, but make sure that there is more behind it. Make the change to better yourself for not only you, but those that are around you. Make the change for those that depend on you. When we make that simple shift, we are then able to commit to the journey and that's where we will see the results. And when we are on that path, stay focused on it. Proverbs 4:25 says "Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you". Stay focused on the journey, don't veer off of it and you will see change for the better! Let's adjust our thinking to our resolutions. Let's Be Greater! Taking care of our body is important. Plain and simple.
If we do not take care of our bodies, they will eventually break down on us. They will eventually give up on us. Why is taking care of our bodies important? I don't know where you are in your life right now. Maybe we have to take something daily to suppress the aches and pains. Maybe years of unhealthy eating has forced us to make regular trips to the doctor's office. And that is not what you want. The good news is that all can be reversed. If we take care of our bodies, they will be good to us. That means exercise and proper nutrition. This doesn't mean working out every day or hitting the gym for 2 hour sessions. This doesn't mean you can't enjoy pizza, or ice cream, or your favorite cookie. It means overall, watching what we put into our body, and moving our body enough to fit where we are. That means different things for different people. But I'll tell you this: it's much better to be proactive than reactive. It's better to put the effort in to taking care of your body while it's healthy, instead of waiting until problems arise. We shouldn't have to wait until we're in physical pain before then deciding to make changes. Make the change now. And if you are in a place where you are experiencing pain, it's not too late. Just don't delay any longer. Get the help to get your body performing how it should. God doesn't want us to be in constant, daily physical pain. 1 Corinthians 6:19 says, in short, that "our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit". That means that Jesus cares for our bodies, and so should we. We need to take care of it so that we can do what He's called us to do. I have two boys, and by his will I will be able to play with them as they get older and eventually my grandkids as well. Me taking care of my body is for more than just physical looks. It's for those around me. So take care of your body. Not just for you, but for those around you also. BE GREATER! |
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